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Saints Advocate's Advocation

Saints Advocate's Advocation

“Liberation is multifaceted to me, being unapologetic, sparking a conversation on socio political matters, enticing others to question and provoke discussions to invoke change” says SAINT ADVOCATE’S founder Amina Fayek, when asked about her own version of freedom, what it entails and how she turned her beliefs into a visual representation. 


SAINTS ADVOCATE is a statement brand providing a revamped concept of Luxury Pret-A-Porter. It has managed to break imaginary lines that bind the creative mind. It’s more than a brand, but the notion of liberation personified, providing a different perspective through clean-cut designs that gives room for individuality to be explored and prevailed.


According to Amina, the brand works through “paying an unorthodox homage to timeless fashion archives,  artistic, and cultural reference”, making it immortal. The interesting thing about SAINTS ADVOCATE is that, true to its form, the brand has been a product of various forms of liberal cultural pieces that have challenged the norms and pushed for individuality.


The brands inspirations are named to be Kanye West, Rihanna, Amy Winehouse - song, architecture, movies like A Streetcar Named Desire, George Orwell’s 1984, true to SAINTS ADVOCATE fashion, all off which are either inspirational figures or cultural turning points that strive to completely break out of any restrictive nature and move towards challenging the norm.


“The effect art has had on society and the constant back and forth struggle between ideologies and taboos inspired a lot in building my brand identity, the implementation of ‘provocative’ and challenging social norms were key turning points in the industry and society.”

An important mention is how the menswear inspiration is always present in some form in all women products, relating back to the notion of liberation and independence that SAINTS ADVOCATE advocates for.


“ I found it vital to have my products speak to consumers who don’t like being marginalized, love experimentation to have a go to brand where it wasn’t just shopping for a certain image but rather exploring and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone, exposing themselves to an informative platform and care about the authenticity aspect of it all,” says Amina.



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The Effect of China’s Tech Crackdown on Brands