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Artists On The Wall

Artists On The Wall

A mutual interest in art is always a conversation starter.

A mutual interest in anything really, but there are certain topics that are renowned to bring people together. Interests and intellectual connections run deep, and art, fashion, music, and literature are among many topics that allow humans to find that certain specific coveted connection.

More so, people with similar interests tend to gravitate towards one another in a serendipitous kind of way. I truly believe that, and this is how Radical and Wall to Wall sat down for a chat.

Wall to Wall is an Egyptian brand that aims to make great art accessible to regular people who can’t necessarily afford the original piece fresh off the walls of the Louvre, or who'd like to support young talents by hanging their work up on a wall.

This brand's philosophy is simple; they help you elevate a space by allowing you to select, curate and install artwork that quite literally has the ability to bring a room together. The art can be original in the case of local or global upcoming talents, or high quality copies that do the job right.

There were a million ways that me and Salma Hussein, founder of Wall to Wall, could’ve done this interview but instead of rambling on about the pros and cons of interior decoration we decided to stick to what we both know and love. An infatuation with good old classic artwork.

Throughout our conversation, we both agreed on a couple of artists that are staples in any enthusiast’s books. These artists managed to generate more than influence, what they achieved was the equivalent of paving the way for an entire art movement to evolve. They were brutally talented and organically hyped, due to the immense magnitude of their achievements.

Below you’ll find the list of artists we discussed, a couple of our favourite pieces, along with some thoughts on what makes them so transcendent in the art world. 


Girl Before A Mirror by Pablo Picasso 

Girl Before A Mirror by Pablo Picasso 

Salma: His use of colours is insane. No one can combine colours the way he does, he makes everything fit together perfectly.

The Woman of Algiers by Pablo Picasso 

The Woman of Algiers by Pablo Picasso 

Nour: I'm not much of a colour person, I definitely prefer nudes and cooler tones in everyday life. His paintings remind me that colour can be powerful, and nothing uplifts an image like contrast. 



Nour: Fornasetti is unreal. Hands down one of my favourite artists ever; the details in his work are mind blowing. His work is both simple and intricate at the same time. It feels almost magical.

Salma: His fascination with Lina Cavalieri is beyond anyone's imagination - he created over 500 designs of her face. He never even knew her. It's interesting how someone can be so inspired by just looking at someone else's face in a magazine one day.



Salma: I wish he was my friend more than anything else. He's the kind of artist you'd want to hang out with. He managed to create art out of such mundane objects. 

Campell's Chicken Noodle Soup by Andy Warhol

Campell's Chicken Noodle Soup by Andy Warhol

Nour: Warhol to me creates feel-good art. The kind of art you see at modern galleries, the kind of art you could create neon signs out of. Coffee shop art and bedroom art. His work is timeless.

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol


Woman With A Hat by Henri Matisse

Woman With A Hat by Henri Matisse

Nour: Matisse is one I struggled with for a while. I was never sure if I loved his work or hated it, that was until I started painting myself and realized that what he does is impossibly difficult. I respect that, and it allowed me to appreciate his artwork.

The Girl With The Green Eyes by Henri Matisse

The Girl With The Green Eyes by Henri Matisse

Salma: His paintings are very vivid and colourful - they really stand out. The portraits of women are so different - women who are from different cultures. It's like he tried to portray their personality or who they truly were. 


Alice in Wonderland by Salvador Dali

Alice in Wonderland by Salvador Dali

Salma: His work looks like it's out of this world - like he literally visited another planet and painted it. I wish I were that creative, he's the kind of artist who seems like he daydreams all day long. Even his appearance was very unique as well, with his mustache and all. 

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Nour: Dali is hard to put into words. There was something alien going on in his mind, something maybe the rest of us will never be able to envision or experience. His work was way ahead of its time, dystopian in the most hypnotizing way. The clocks are everything.



Artwork brings a space to life, and Wall to Wall understand the importance of infusing staple pieces into a room. They're the kind of brand that'll help make your mood boards of Pinterest interiors turn into a reality.

Art is what you can get away with.
— Andy Warhol
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