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COMING SOON: Omar Samra Invites You To Discover The Art of Exploration

COMING SOON: Omar Samra Invites You To Discover The Art of Exploration

The word explore is a peculiar one. A term used quite loosely nowadays, by people who know not of exploration, we are a generation bombarded by information, answers, instantaneous gratification and response.

So, what does it mean to truly explore?

The Art of Exploration is a multi sensory interactive exhibition that will be held at Caravanserai Art Space in Zamalek, starting Saturday February 18th for 8 days only. A window into Omar Samra’s world, taking you through his expedition on Antarctica or Planet VII as he refers to it, using a novel form of presentation. Curated by Alia Sabry and featuring illustrations by Tarek Adbelkawi; this is not one to miss.

Samra dubbed Antarctica Planet VII to emphasize the exploratory nature of the expedition. He climbed mountains that had never been climbed before, had the honor of naming them and chartered new routes on the most hostile and barren of all our 7 continents. An experience that is in fact, the closest thing we have on Earth to being on another planet.

All of this is very hard to imagine, to the average mind a place like Antarctica may as well be the Moon. It is something far away, foreign and seemingly unattainable. Samra understood that it would be difficult for people to grasp the gravity of this expedition, and so as many creative minds do, he resorted to art, in collaboration with Tarek and Alia, as a medium for translating his experience.

Featuring audio excerpts, videography, illustrations, sketches, photography and more interactive components this exhibit gives its attendees freedom to interpret and discover for themselves. The illustrations - a few of which can be seen throughout this article - are surreal and ethereal. Alluding to the otherworldly feel of climbing an unclimbed mountain, on Antarctic land.

Experience something new, challenge yourself to explore, think outside the box and maybe even reflect on your own adventures. Pass by The Art of Exploration next week, maybe you'll learn something new?

Ps. Just in case you missed it on Facebook; here is an invite with details below.

The only way to find the limits of people, is by going beyond them into the impossible.
— Arthur Clarke
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