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La La Land: A Gorgeously Modern Musical Romance

La La Land: A Gorgeously Modern Musical Romance

City of stars ... are you shining just for me?

I left this movie with a million and one thoughts, ideas, questions racing through my mind. 

The colours. The singing and dancing, the heart breaking portrayal of choosing between ambition and love.

La La Land left me speechless...hence the length of this article. An overwhelming triumph, which utilises the art of filmography in a way that will leave its audience stunned and stargazing.

Directed by the brilliant Damien Chazelle, the whole movie was reminiscent of a Wes Anderson meets Alejandro González Iñárritu concoction. Two of my personal favourite contemporary directors, La La Land lived up to the hype.

This movie has an unapologetic, shamelessly dreamy, loud, beating heart. 

Go see it. 

It's audacious, retro, funny and heartfelt. With more than one neon moment to boot.

Director: Damien Chazelle. If you missed out on Whiplash another of his masterpieces, then you have some catching up to do.

Starring: Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone

People love what other people are passionate about.
— Mia, played by Emma Stone in Damien Chazelle's modern day musical La La Land
Glass Animals + Vnyl: A Love Affair

Glass Animals + Vnyl: A Love Affair

UNTY IX: Street Wear, Cairo and This Ambiguous Thing We Call Hype

UNTY IX: Street Wear, Cairo and This Ambiguous Thing We Call Hype